Talking Shop with Vice President of NTA

November 5, 2010 by morgan

I am currently writing to museums and world class taxidermists to inquire if anyone knows of a taxidermist presently working in a museum on restoration or new mounts. The National Taxidermist Association put me in touch with their Vice President and taxidermy historian John Janelli. Mr. Janelli sent me a wonderful letter about taxidermy and its beginnings in North America: The great showman Charles Wilson Peale, the first curator of an American natural history museum. Mr. Janelli believes taxidermy is more popular commercially than it has ever been in history and due to hunting laws and collecting regulations the taxidermy and natural history hoards are more controlled then in Victorian times, but just as popular if not more so. He has offered to send me a reading list. “If there’s any thing as satisfying as collecting taxidermy, it’s collecting books on the beloved subject!”

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